A Fine Line
Spring 2022

Gail Ingram
Featured Poet
Serie Barford
The third day
Water songs
The dark side of the moon
Geometries of light
Featured Article
Victor Billot
The Ode and I
The Trials of Elvis Tokoroa (poem)
S J Mannion reviews Super Model Minority by Chris Tse
Hebe Kearney reviews Meat Lovers by Rebecca Hawkes
Members' Poems
Sarah Scott Arcadia Road; Blossom
Hebe Kearney blossoming; spring in auckland
Ami Kindler Full Bloom; The 100th Somersault
Jan FitzGerald After winter
Janet Newman Specialised knowledge; one two
Nola Borrell leafing
Jenny Longstaff Pecking at Seeds
Katrina Larsen Impatient
Jenny Dobson Blossom
Ila Selwyn after Peter, two pantoums
Jeni Curtis it is time to plant bulbs
John Ewen Spring Ritual
Nola Borrell, Sharyn Barberel, Mackenzie Rea, Julie Adamson, Barbara Strang, Maria Adams, Jenny Pyatt, Sue Courtney, John C. Ross, Anne Curran, Donna Coleman-Smith
Cover Art
Rebecca Smallridge
Kaihua & Stigmella Kaimanua
Contributing Art
Jenny Longstaff, Jan FitzGerald, Maria Adams