Our popular annual competition is now OPEN and will close at midnight Aotearoa New Zealand time on May 31, 2024.

You can enter in the following categories:

Open 18+ years. No theme.

Open Junior 17 years and under. The Open Junior category calls for poetry inspired by works of visual art such as painting, sculpture or photographs ( Ekphrasis). Please click here for more information, including a teacher’s resource kit and news about a workshop to help young poets write poems that respond to artwork.

Haiku 18+ years

Haiku Junior 17 years or under. Here is a handy teacher’s guide for writing haiku.

School groups – Haiku Junior and Open Junior


To reduce administration and provide a more streamlined process, we are now using a submission manager. If you haven’t used Submittable before, you’ll be prompted to sign up for an account, which is a free and simple process. Please note each poem needs to be a separate submission.

Please make sure you read the GUIDELINES carefully before you submit your work. If you have any problems, please email info@poetrysociety.org.nz.

Click on this link to submit to the competition


or use this button:
